
SCPI Commands

class FlPer[source]

FlPer commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 2 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:EVDO:SIGNaling<instance>:RXQuality:FLPer:MTPSent
value: int = driver.configure.rxQuality.flPer.get_mtpsent()

Defines the length of a single shot forward link PER measurement, i.e. the maximum number of test packets sent.


max_test_pack_sent: Range: 1 to 10000

# SCPI: CONFigure:EVDO:SIGNaling<instance>:RXQuality:FLPer:SCONdition
value: enums.PerStopCondition = driver.configure.rxQuality.flPer.get_scondition()

Qualifies whether the measurement is stopped after a failed limit check or continued. SLFail means that the measurement is stopped and reaches the RDY state when one of the results exceeds the limits.


stop_condition: NONE | ALEXceeded | MCLexceeded | MPERexceeded NONE: Continue measurement irrespective of the limit check ALEXceeded: Stop if any limit is exceeded MCLexceeded: Stop if minimum confidence level is exceeded MPERexceeded: Stop if max. PER is exceeded

set_mtpsent(max_test_pack_sent: int)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:EVDO:SIGNaling<instance>:RXQuality:FLPer:MTPSent
driver.configure.rxQuality.flPer.set_mtpsent(max_test_pack_sent = 1)

Defines the length of a single shot forward link PER measurement, i.e. the maximum number of test packets sent.

param max_test_pack_sent

Range: 1 to 10000

set_scondition(stop_condition: RsCmwEvdoSig.enums.PerStopCondition)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:EVDO:SIGNaling<instance>:RXQuality:FLPer:SCONdition
driver.configure.rxQuality.flPer.set_scondition(stop_condition = enums.PerStopCondition.ALEXceeded)

Qualifies whether the measurement is stopped after a failed limit check or continued. SLFail means that the measurement is stopped and reaches the RDY state when one of the results exceeds the limits.

param stop_condition

NONE | ALEXceeded | MCLexceeded | MPERexceeded NONE: Continue measurement irrespective of the limit check ALEXceeded: Stop if any limit is exceeded MCLexceeded: Stop if minimum confidence level is exceeded MPERexceeded: Stop if max. PER is exceeded